Search (29 total)

  • Query: "Southern Historical Society Papers"
  • Query type: Keyword
  • Record types:
    • Item
Record Type Title
Item 1677.jpg Evacuation of Richmond
Item 1991.jpg Retreat of the Cabinet: Described by President Davis' Confederate Secretary, The Great Chiefs Noble Conduct
Item Thomas R.R. Cobb: Extracts from Letters to his Wife, February 3, 1861-December 10, 1862 NO WEBSITE
Item 2427.jpg The Evacuation of Richmond, April 3, 1865 and the Disastrous Conflagration Incident Theory
Item 2433.jpg The Last Days of the Confederate Treasury and What Became of its Specie
Item 2585.jpg Beginning and Ending. Reminiscences of the First and Last days of the War. Interesting Personal Observations. The Thrilling and Exciting Times Immediately Preceding the War-First Battle of Manassas
Item 2595.jpg Reminiscences of the Confederacy, J.U. Payne, of New Orleans, LA -- His Devotion to, and Sacrifices for the Cause
Item 2634.jpg Fort Fisher
Item 2751.jpg A Reminiscence of Christmas of 1861