Search (156 total)

  • Query: The Century Illustrated Monthly Magazine
  • Query type: Keyword
  • Record types:
    • Item
Record Type Title
Item 2328.jpg Tales of the Cape Fear Blockade, Being a Turn of the Century Account of Blockade Running
Item 2757.jpg Old Louisiana
Item 2696.jpg The Last Meeting of the Confederate Cabinet
Item 1742.jpg Heroic Deeds of Heroic Men
Item 1759.jpg In and Around Richmond
Item 2169.jpg Some War Scenes Revisited
Item 2465.jpg Up the St. John's River
Item solo two hands.jpg Memories of a Hospital Matron, Part 2
Item solo two hands.jpg Memories of a Hospital Matron, Part 1
Item 2617.jpg A Visit to South Carolina in 1860