“March 1-18, 1862. "Personne," a correspondent for the Charleston DAILY COURIER, wrote that Savannans felt that their fortifications were strong enough to repel an anticipated Union attack and that normal social life had resumed. He praised…
“April 6-7, 1862. Provides information about Shiloh battle tactics, the courage of western men on both sides, the capture of well-provisioned Union camps, the destruction, and the civilians who fled Corinth.”
“1861-1865. Records the difficulty of managing a 200-acre cotton plantation in central Georgia, as prices increased, and the supply of goods and labor decreased. When Sherman's soldiers ravaged Burge's well-stocked smokehouse and larder and stole…
“1861-1865. Records the difficulty of managing a 200-acre cotton plantation in central Georgia, as prices increased, and the supply of goods and labor decreased. When Sherman's soldiers ravaged Burge's well-stocked smokehouse and larder and stole…