Book Details


Artis Cabalisticæ: hoc est, reconditæ theologiæ et philosophiæ, scriptorvm
Published: Basileæ : Per Sebastianvm Henricpetri, 1587
Description: In this volume Johann Pistorius has gathered an impressive compendium of kabbalistic (or cabalistic) writings including major works in Latin by Paulus Ricius Archangelus de Burgonovo and Johann Reuchlin and translations into Latin of the writings of Leon Hebraeus an epitome of the Gates of Light by Rabbi Joseph and the Sephir Jezirah. These texts found their roots in ancient Jewish traditions of biblical interpretation which by the 12th century had crystallized into a mystic religious doctrine.
Condition/Repair: Resew sections together, reback with vellum, saving boards and covers.
Donation Needed: $225.00