Advanced Search (Items only)
Tags: au:male, au:southern, era:Civil War, loc:North Carolina, su:homefront, su:religion, su:slavery, su:southern, su:war experience, ts:narrative
Tags: au:male, au:southern, era:antebellum, era:Civil War, era:postwar, loc:Mississippi, loc:North Carolina, pd:1940, su:civilian, su:daily life, su:economics, su:homefront, su:plantation, su:Reconstruction, su:southern, ts:correspondence
Tags: au:male, au:southern, era:Civil War, he:Blockade of Wilmington, he:Seige of Wilmington, loc:North Carolina, loc:Wilmington NC, pd:1886, su:civilian, su:daily life, su:homefront, su:southern, su:war experience, ts:memory
Tags: au:confederate, au:male, era:1864, era:Civil War, he:Battle of Fort Fisher, he:seige of Fort Fisher, loc:Fort Fisher NC, loc:Kure Beach NC, loc:North Carolina, pd:1893, su:battlefield, su:camp life, su:confederate, su:military, su:warfront, ts:memory
Tags: au:male, au:southern, era:antebellum, loc:North Carolina, loc:Washington D.C., pd:1950, su:political, ts:correspondence, ts:memory, ts:offical documents
Tags: au:male, au:northern, au:union, era:Civil War, he:Battle of New Bern, he:Battle of Roanoke Island, loc:New Bern NC, loc:North Carolina, loc:Roanoke Island NC, pd:1973, su:battlefield, su:camp life, su:northern perspective, su:occupation, su:political, su:union, su:warfront, ts:correspondence
Tags: au:confederate, au:male, era:1864, era:Civil War, he:Blockade of Wilmington, loc:North Carolina, loc:Wilmington NC, pd:1893, su:blockade, su:confederate, su:war experience, su:warfront, ts:memory
Tags: au:confederate, au:male, era:Civil War, era:postwar, loc:North Carolina, pd:1902, su:confederate, su:military, su:Reconstruction, su:war experience, ts:biography
Tags: au:male, au:southern, era:antebellum, era:Civil War, era:postwar, loc:Chapel Hill NC, loc:North Carolina, pd:1895, su:education, su:homefront, su:political, su:southern, ts:biography, ts:narrative
Tags: au:female, au:northern, era:antebellum, era:Civil War, loc:Clifton Grove Plantation NC, loc:Georgia, loc:Greene County NC, loc:North Carolina, loc:Ware County GA, pd:1956, su:daily life, su:female experience, su:homefront, su:northern perspective, su:plantation, su:slaveholding, su:slavery, su:war experience, ts:correspondence
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