Book Details


Charlotte Temple : a tale of truth
Published: Windsor [Vt.] : Preston Merrifield, 1815 ([Windsor, Vt.] : T.M. Pomroy)
Description: Charlotte Temple was a bestseller in the nineteenth century. It tells the story of a young British girl seduced by a dashing soldier, taken to America, and abandoned, pregnant and ill. Charlotte dies in childbirth, repentant of her downfall, her child is rescued by Charlotte\\\'s parents, and her former lover spends the rest of his life suffering from melancholy for the injustice he committed. The book is an important example of moralistic literature by a female author and is of interest to students and scholars in English and women\\\'s studies.
Condition/Repair: The leather cover is breaking down. Kozo spine repair suggested.
Donation Needed: $50.00